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Expert Tips For College Visits

Leah Messing • April 14, 2023

Visiting colleges over Spring Break? Make the Most Of it!

Visiting a college campus in person can improve, change, or just further inform your impression of the school. Whether official or not, a college visit can also serve as great preparation for the supplemental essays students will have to write for individual institutions.  A common supplemental essay topic is the Why Us? Essay, which relies heavily on unique details to stand out in a sea of essays claiming the school’s “welcoming atmosphere” and “high-level academics.”  Colleges want to feel wanted too -- you wouldn't write a love letter filled with vague claims and unspecific details, so you shouldn't fill your Why Us? essay with them either.

To help you woo the college of your choice, try taking a notebook with you on any visit and jotting down details that make an impact ON YOU: whether that’s class size or style (Lecture hall? Small Socratic seminar?), events you see posted on bulletin boards, or names of admissions officers you speak with.

You can make the most of your college visits by:

1) PREPARING! Do your research. It will provide context and help you ask more thoughtful questions.

2) TAKING NOTES! Write down anything and everything that interests you on your visit including names of clubs, classes, research opportunities, etc. 

3) SITTING IN! on a class that interests you or email the admissions office to see if you could visit office hours with a professor in your subject area.

4) GETTING CONTACT INFO! Obtain the contact info of your tour guide, regional admissions officer, and any current students you talk to.

5) LOOKING OUT! For bulletin boards, quad activities, campus cafes, and other student life details IRL. 

But most of all -- enjoy these trips and go with your gut. Can you see yourself on campus? Why? What do you imagine that looking like? Where would you eat? Sit? Cheer? Dance? Study?

If you have a dream school, let your visit help you picture what that dream is about in more detail.

And juniors, if you’re sticking around this Spring Break, our books are filling up with strategy sessions. Reach out now to schedule and for more helpful college tips!

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