Just as Admission Ignition understands and builds the skill set students need to succeed, our coaches also work with adult writers. We offer coaching to professionals seeking help with their proposals, product launches, Ph.D. theses, and emails. Admission Ignition uses techniques focusing on reader-centered revision and principles, which apply to many mediums of expert writing, from corporate communications to creative pitch decks.
Misunderstandings and jargon-filled language that confuse the reader or stop them from reading altogether can be a huge problem. But it's one we can help you solve. Beyond fixing grammar, this coaching will make your writing better suited for its intended audience.
Trained at the University of Chicago in a program targeted at academic and professional writing, our coach Becca combines her training with knowledge gained from years working at the executive level of the entertainment industry.
Professional writing coaching focuses on skill-building including techniques for revision. Depending on the nature of the writing, these concepts will be prioritized:
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